If you are reading this I presume that you are a food photographer (or maybe you are wanting to get some amazing mobile photography of your meals out for your Instagram page?). Food flat lays are something I have reproduced dozens of times mainly for local businesses in Sheffield, but I initially struggled to gain the perfect layouts. So I thought I’d share this knowledge! Below are my top 3 tips on how to improve your food flat lay photography:
GRIDS ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND! Yes the rule of thirds might be a given, but have a quick Google of other layout methods such as the Golden Ratio. Try matching the corners of your objects on different joining lines to see which styles work best for you. For example place food and drink to occupy each corner of the frame.
MAKE SURE YOUR PROPS ARE WELL LIT. Before you decide on the final shot use the live view setting in your camera to see if everything is well lit (Especially make sure the food looks bright and yummy.) If you are using natural light attach your camera to your tripod and reduce the shutter speed to gain a brighter shot!
PRACTISE, PRACTISE, PRACTISE! Rome wasn’t built over night; flat lays are something that has taken me years to get my head around. I almost entirely gave up, but by researching alternative layout methods this helped to build my confidence up.
If you would like to see more of these photos examples head over to the food photography section of my website here.